Birkirkara St Joseph’s Krista Kuusijarvi Wins Trinacria 113km Triathlon

Strong performances from Club Triathletes Keith Galea and David Galea

Birkirkara St Joseph Sports Club’s Krista Kuusijarvi won the females’ race of the recently held Trinacria 113km Triathlon held in Marina di Ragusa Sicily.  

The race went off to a challenging start with triathletes having to contend with strong waves in the 1500m swim.  The 90km bike segment saw an elevation of over 1000m, whilst the run course was fairly flat. 

Although coming out of the water in sixth place, Kuusijarvi pushed ahead to take the lead in the 90km bike segment. She maintained her place until the very end of the half marathon completing the whole course in a time of 4 hours, 44 mins,  21 seconds.  Notably, the first female out of the water was Danica Bonello Spiteri who eventually finished the race in third place.

Other Club members who registering strong performances were Keith Galea, who finished in fourth place.  

Galea exited the swim in third place going on to register the second fastest bike split of the day.  

Galea completed the whole race in 4 hours 21 mins 50 seconds to finish in fourth place.

Meanwhile, veteran triathlete David Galea’s finish time of 4:39:02 saw him take the win in his Age Group.  Club member Antoine Vassallo finished third in his Age Group in a time of 5:01:27.

In total 41 Maltese took part in the race, with Josef Bonavia also winning his age group

Birkirkara St. Joseph Sports Club will be hosting an Olympic Distance Triathlon (1500m swim, 40km cycle, 10km run) on Sunday 14th May on the Salina Coast Road. Registrations will be accepted online on until Thursday 11th May. 


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