Dylan Cachia, Martina Micallef win penultimate race of Garmin BSJ Open Water Swimming Championships

The penultimate race of the Garmin BSJ Open Water Swimming Championships took place on Salina on Wednesday and consisted of a 4km swim.  

The race, which also served as qualifying event for swimmers targeting participation in the forthcoming channel swims in September, started off with moderate weather conditions only to become more challenging towards the end of the race. 

There were no upsets for Dylan Cachia who continued his consistent showing, setting the pace for the rest of the swimmers from the word go.  Cachia finished the four loop race in 52 minutes, 27 seconds.  Behind him Luca Vella and Tristan Micallef battled it out for second place. Vella has consistently taken second place in every race appearance and was not going to give up easily. He staved of Micallef’s valiant attempt by a mere three seconds.

Martina Micallef emerged winner of the race beating Roanna Farrugia by nearly one minute. The two swimmers have been a consistent presence in the Championships and have both been challenging each other throughout.  Third place on the podium was taken up by Lara Meli.

The final race of the Garmin BSJ Open Water Swimming Championships will take place on Wednesday 31st August at 5pm. 

This event is taking place instead of the race scheduled for the 3rd August which had to be postponed due to vandalism incurred on the Club’s property.   This race will also include a 4km distance for swimmers who were unable to be present for the 4km Swim on the 24th August.   The sole aim of the 4km on the 31st August is to achieve a qualifying time for the Club’s channel swims, and will not be considered for the final classification of the national championships.

Registration for this race can be done online via this link –


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