BSJ Awarded Move Transfer Healthy Club Award

Move Transfer is a collaborative partnership project aiming to transfer the Slovenian Best Practices “Healthy Club Quality Mark model to Bulgaria and Malta. SportMalta has partnered with SUS  (Sport Union of Slovenia), ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association) and  the Bulgarian BE Active Organization to promote this programme.  ISCA has launched the “Move Transfer” programme, three years ago and it has engaged over 20 organisations and supported the development of 25 initiatives.

ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 231 member organisations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Its 40 million individual members from 83 countries on five continents represent a diverse group of people active within youth, sport and cultural activities.

ISCA, which has grown rapidly since its foundation, was created with the aim of providing an alternative to the increasingly performance-based attitude of the international sports federations.

BSJ has won the Healthy Club Award, due to the number of events it organises throughout the year.  On this year’s calendar of events, the Club has no less than 20 events in athletics, cycling, swimming, and triathlon, besides competing in the Inter Amateur Soccer Competition.  Throughout the year, the Club assists a number of other entities in organising their own sport events.  SportMalta recognised the work carried out by the Club, hence this prestigious award, which carries €700 as prize money to be spent by the Club on equipment.

BSJ President Mr. Raymond Grech, thanked SportMalta for honouring his Club, and thanked his Events Assistants Team who were crucial in organising the programmes of the various sections of sports disciplines within his Club.

The official presentation ceremony will be held by SportMalta in the coming weeks.

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